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#遊學英文知多少 #寄宿家庭會話篇 🏠🏠 1.Can I bring some bread to the school? 我可以帶點麵包去學校嗎?

2.I am not used to have yogurt for breakfast, Can I have bread instead? 我不習慣早餐吃優格,我可以吃麵包嗎?

3.I forgot to bring the charger. Where can I buy it? 我忘記帶充電器了,哪裡可以買呢?

4. I'm having dinner with some friends, so I won't be home for dinner. 我晚上要跟同學吃飯,所以不回家吃囉

5.Where do I put my dirty clothes? 我的髒衣服要放哪呢?

6.Can I invite my friend to your place? 我可以邀請朋友來你家玩嗎

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